Beach house? Condo? Cabin? Your perfect vacation home awaits. Travel better together with Vrbo.
β’ SEARCH from over 2 million unique places to stay in 190+ countries
β’ PLAN and collaborate with friends and family using Trip Boards
β’ BOOK securely from your phone or tablet
β’ TRAVEL anywhere and share trip details with your group
β’ STAY FLEXIBLE: Vrbo offers free cancellation
With the Vrbo app, you can:
β’ Browse vacation homes with pools, backyards, and all the room you need.
β’ Find vacation homes you wonβt find on many other travel sites.
β’ Filter by whatβs important to you and your group: price, location, amenities, and more.
β’ See property photos and reviews at a glance.
β’ Have questions about a property? Get quick answers from our virtual assistant.
β’ Tap the heart to easily save and compare places you love.
β’ Invite friends and family to join your Trip Board and help you plan.
β’ Leave comments and vote for your favorite properties.
β’ Keep your trip conversations in one place and chat with your group from anywhere
β’ Have questions? Message the owner or manager to ask about the property.
β’ Book and pay securely on the Vrbo app with your credit card.
β’ Quickly access important booking details like check-in instructions, WiFi passwords, and arrival information -- even when youβre offline.
β’ Share important trip details with friends and family by adding them to your trip.
β’ Access your conversations and message homeowners from your device anytime.
β’ View a trip countdown and get helpful reminders on your Home Screen by adding the new Vrbo Widget available only on iOS 14.
Find the perfect vacation rental with Vrbo.
Note: currency is displayed as USD in the property listings unless otherwise noted. Please visit for more information about the Vrbo app.