Near Far Focus

Medical • Updated 3 years ago

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Version 1.1 • Requires iOS 11.4 or newer

Created by:

Optical Directions Consulting


Current Version: 1.1
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.0
    5 years ago
Train your focussing and localisation skills using this modern interpretation of a near far light-board.

Great for optometrists doing vision therapy, or for sports people wanting to improve their visual skills.

Includes the following features:
- Change the distance and near letter sizes independently
- Change the number of letters displayed in the iPad grid
- Use black letters, or use red/blue glasses to direct letters to different eyes
- Save test settings to reuse them in the future

*** Requires an iPad connected to a TV screen or monitor using either an Apple TV (via AirPlay) or cable. ***


New in this version

- Audio beeps now come from the iPad instead of the TV.

Videos about this app

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