25 Pair Color Code

Utilities • Updated 3 years ago

Download from App Store
Version 5.11 • Requires iOS 14.4 or newer

Created by:

Grant Thompson


Current Price: $2.99
  • 😕 Increase from $1.99 to $2.99
    4 years ago
  • 😕 Increase from $0.99 to $1.99
    4 years ago


Current Version: 5.11
  • 🔃 Updated to v5.08
    3 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v5.01.06
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v4.10.07
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v4.09.04
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v4.09.02
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v4.01
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v3.11.5
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v3.11.4
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v3.10
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v2.0.1
    5 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v2.0
    5 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.01
    5 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.0
    5 years ago
Easy to use, 25 Pair Color Code expanding chart. Search for pairs by color code, sheath count, custom start pair #, cable count (including dead count) or reverse cable count.

Supported cable types:
25 pair common (25 to 900 pair cable)
100 pair bundle (900 to 3000 pair cable)
300 pair bundle (3600 to 4200 pair cable)

**The 100 pair bundle selection comes in handy while working in pulp cables too! (Gives you the 100pr bundle to look for tone.)

This app shall be used only as a handy secondary reference tool as we know there are mistakes made in the field and incorrect records that always need to be taken into account. Use of a tone source as a primary identifier will always be more accurate.

Locate color codes with or without cable counts using the 'Find a Pair' option. Click the Search icon at the top right and enter a Sheath Pair # without a cable count or enter a 'Cable,Pair' if using a cable count (app auto detects if there is a cable count or not). The app will then auto expand and place index pointers at the pair's found locations and also places the searched for pair's 25 pair combination in the title bar.

~Input Cable Count Screen
While not necessary to use in the app. You can enter a full complex cable count that can be split into the cable type of your choice (common 25 pair, 100 pair bundle or 300 pair bundle).

1) Select the round Cable Type button
2) Enter cable count
3) Optionally select a position to save count to
4) Click the "Color Code" button

Saving a cable by position turns the Search Button Icon and related cable count text box borders to a distinguishable color for keeping track of which cable is being currently used within the app.
Cable1 = Blue
Cable2 = Orange
Cable3 = Green
Custom Start Pair (Without cable count) = Red
Unsaved count or Start pair is #1 = Slate

Smart Save radio button color key:
Green = vacant
Black = existing count stored
Red = existing count to be overwritten
Blue = saved successfully

To remove a previously saved cable count. Select the position to be deleted and long click the Clear button.

~Double Space Auto Punctuation:
Easily enter a cable count using the apps built in double space auto-punctuation feature by:
1) Enter cable name followed by 2 spaces (app automatically places a comma)
2) Enter the low pair range followed by 2 spaces (app automatically places a dash)
3) Enter the high pair range followed by 2 spaces (app automatically drops down for next line of count)


New in this version

Removed the recently added send count as text button due to text messaging length limitations and other considerations. The app will still be able to receive counts through the copper://icc?count= url scheme from other sources like email, web text link and other possible paperless sources including my soon to be released cable count splicing app. Thanks for your patience.

URL scheme Examples:

Without a count:


With single line of count:


With multi-lines of count:


multi-line separator = %0A (percent symbol, zero, capital "A")

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