Fat Tag Graffiti Katsu Edition

Entertainment • Updated 4 years ago

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Version 2.1 • Requires iOS 10.0 or newer

Created by:

Theodore Watson


Current Price: $1.99
  • 😕 Increase from $0.00 to $1.99
    4 years ago
  • 🎉 Dropped from $1.99 to $0.00
    4 years ago


Current Version: 2.1
  • 🔃 Updated to v2.0
    6 years ago
Fat Tag Deluxe - Katsu Edition is a deluxe version of the popular Fat Tag graffiti tagging app.

The Deluxe Edition co-created with NYC graffiti artist Katsu includes the following features:

Features include:
* Multiple pen/brush tips and colors
* Full accelerometer based drips
* Multiple backgrounds
* Additional background selection from camera, photo library
* Scale, rotate, angle, opacity options for realistically overlaying tag onto camera image.
* Speed based thickness
* Upload tags and screenshots to 000000book.com
* Save tags to your photo library

The new scale and 3D angle tools allow you to realistically position your tag onto a surface in a photo - making it look like it is on a wall, or the side of a truck for example.

Some helpful tips:
* You can clear the screen with a double tap when in drawing mode.
* Triangle button in corner shows/hides all interfaces elements.
* To access drawing and move settings - tap on the icon when it is already selected.
* You can save images from Safari to your photo library and then load them as backgrounds.

More information on Fat Tag Deluxe here:

See your uploaded tags at:

Made with openFrameworks
Theo Watson 2018

Update 1.3 adds metallic ink and support for all retina devices.
Any other feedback is welcome!


New in this version

iOS 13 view bugfix

Videos about this app

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