Navigation • Updated 3 years ago

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Version 1.3.0 • Requires iOS 10.0 or newer

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Current Version: 1.3.0
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.2.6
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.2.5
    4 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.2.2
    5 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.2.0
    5 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.1.10
    5 years ago
  • 🔃 Updated to v1.1.8
    6 years ago
With AAU map you can easily navigate around Aalborg University. Just search for what you need to find and let the app guide you to your destination. With AAU map you can easily find classrooms, libraries and canteens!


New in this version

Thanks for using AAU Map! Here is what we worked on:
- Added option to add a help ressource url in the app info section.
- In the Dataset Management section we have optimized support for changing caching scope from a larger scope to a smaller scope, by deleting obsolete caches.
- Fixed various route rendering issues, e.g. route end marker was obscuring the destination location marker.
- Fixed a data synchronisation issue that caused the newly synchronised data to not being used before a new session was initiated.
- Fixed a route path optimization issue that caused the optimization to be applied unintentionally in some cases.
- Fixed a search issue that caused the search engine to ignore external ids.
- Fixed an issue causing the Info Window of selected location to not show up in some cases.
- Fixed an internal issue with the map rendering (marker collision handling).
- Some internal refactorings and optimizations.

Videos about this app

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