Mail for Gmail

Productivity • Updated 6 years ago

Download from App Store
Version 1.1.1 • Requires iOS 10.11 or newer

Created by:

Rocky Sand Studio Ltd.

Enjoy all the advantages of accessing your Gmail account, separate from your browser:
- Quickly access Gmail from the menu bar
- Badge dock icon with unread email counter
- Receive and customize unread email notifications
- Touch Bar support
- Compact mode, customizable font sizes
- Customizable window opacity
- Smooth and responsive look and feel
- Works with awesome looking Gmail themes

Legal Note : DeskMail is a 3rd party app and it is not affiliated with Gmail.

We'd like to know how to improve our apps, contact us at Rocky Sand Studio


New in this version

[fixed] After closing the main window the dock icon did not bring it up again
[fixed] Downloaded file name issue
[fixed] Opacity settings did not work at launch

We'd like to thank you for reporting us all the issues. Feel free to contact us with further ideas and suggestions.

Videos about this app

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